Dr. Niklas Kolbe
Niklas Kolbe
The Lax-Friedrichs method in one-dimensional hemodynamics
A relaxation approach to the coupling of a two-phase fluid with a linear-elastic solid
Influx ratio preserving coupling conditions for the networked Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model
A one-dimensional model for aspiration therapy in blood vessels
Error Estimates for First- and Second-Order Lagrange-Galerkin Moving Mesh Schemes for the One-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation
Numerical schemes for coupled systems of nonconservative hyperbolic equations
A posteriori error analysis of a positivity preserving scheme for the power-law diffusion Keller-Segel model
A data-driven microscopic on-ramp model based on macroscopic network flows
A central scheme for two coupled hyperbolic systems
Data-Driven Models for Traffic Flow at Junctions
Numerical relaxation limit and outgoing edges in a central scheme for networked conservation laws
Central schemes for networked scalar conservation laws
Data-based stochastic modeling reveals sources of activity bursts in single-cell TGF-β signaling
A mass-conservative Lagrange-Galerkin scheme of second order in time for convection-diffusion problems
An adaptive rectangular mesh administration and refinement technique with application in cancer invasion models
Multiscale modeling of glioma invasion: from receptor binding to flux-limited macroscopic PDEs
Modeling multiple taxis: tumor invasion with phenotypic heterogeneity, haptotaxis, and unilateral interspecies repellence
A hybrid mass transport finite element method for Keller–Segel type systems
Existence and uniqueness of global classical solutions to a two dimensional two species cancer invasion haptotaxis model
A tumor invasion model for heterogeneous cancer cell populations: mathematical analysis and numerical methods
Chemotaxis and Haptotaxis on Cellular Level
A Multiscale Approach to the Migration of Cancer Stem Cells: Mathematical Modelling and Simulations
Numerical Simulation of a Contractivity Based Multiscale Cancer Invasion Model
A mathematical insight in the epithelial-mesenchymal-like transition in cancer cells and its effect in the invasion of the extracellular matrix
A study on time discretization and adaptive mesh refinement methods for the simulation of cancer invasion: The urokinase model