Recent & Upcoming Talks


Workshop in the honor of Mark Chaplain's birthday
Applied Mathematics Seminar (University of St Andrews)
Workshop SPP-2410: Nonlocal Modelling in Fluidmechanical Applications
13th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB)
European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) 2024
Webinar of the DFG SPP 2410 CoScaRa
3rd International workshop on Perspectives on Multiphase Fluid Dynamics, Continuum Mechanics and Hyperbolic Balance Laws (ProHyp2024)
94th Annual Meeting of the Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)


Workshop on Mathematical modeling, Analysis and Approximation of Vehicular and Pedestrian Dynamics
93rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
BiMed-Math Seminar of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology


Seminar of the research training group 'Energy, Entropy, and Dissipative Dynamics'
Seminar of the TU Kaiserslautern Numerics group
Seminar of the TU Darmstadt Numerics group
Virtual Humboldt Colloquium: Neue Wegmarken der deutsch-japanischen Forschungskooperation
12th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (Poster)
92nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
Workshop on Transformative Medical Materials: Design, Production, and Translation (Poster)
XVIII International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems
Mainzer Oberseminar Numerik


Herty group seminar
Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics


2020年度応用数学合同研究集会 -- Joint Research Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied mathematics
Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology


2019年度応用数学合同研究集会 -- Joint Research Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied mathematics
Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics


Applied Analysis Seminar
Workshop on mathematical perspectives in the biology and therapeutics of cancer
Meeting of the German Mathematical Society
15th Workshop on Mathematical Analysis for Nonlinear Phenomena


10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
Scientific retreat of the Max Planck Graduate Center


Workshop on New Mathematical and Computational Problems involved in Cell Motility, Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation
International Workshop: Multiscale Models in Mechano and Tumor Biology - Modeling, Homogenization, and Applications
12th Hirschegg Workshop on Conservation Laws


9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology